2/19 Wednesday WIPs
It was back to the working life this week, though with a 3 day weekend so not as much crafty progress.
Charity Knitting: Okay 8 inches on a foot is very long! I feel like I just knit round and round on the foot with The Seafarer’s Stripy Socks.
Socks: I took a walk with my DH over the weekend. Surprisely (since graceful is not my middle name) I can knit and walk at the same time. I have the leg, heel flap and Dutch heel all complete on the second of the Rhinebeck Roomies.
Sweater: I did a try on and it fits! I need to buy a shorter Chiagoo needle to knit the sleeves (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it on the needle purchase). Then it should be off to knit the sleeves.
Crochet: Added round 6 to this crocheting project. I am much happier for fixing the mistake.