FO Friday 1/24

I do not always join MKALs but the few I have joined I have really enjoyed. I usually do not maintain the pace of the MKAL so am always finishing after the fact. I have done other patterns by Tellybean Knits and knew I always enjoy her patterns. You must enjoy colorwork if you do her patterns and/or join her MKALs.

She announced last Fall she was going to be doing a Merry Making Cowl for the holidays. I purchased the pattern when it was released. I bought yarn for the cowl after looking through my stash and not finding the colors I desired.

I started late and finished late but that did not diminish my enjoyment of the pattern.

I thought I did quite a good job on my floats.

Of course after the floats and color changes I had a bit of weaving in to complete. These are the scraps.


New Kitchen Tool


1/23 Reading Update