A Completed Shadow Box

I believe Cricut was first developed to help crafters with paper crafts. Every once in a while I actually do a papercraft item. It always makes me giggle that I am using the machine as the company intended, not all the myriad ways I use it normally.

I like a good flamingo as much as the next person, but I have 2 family members who really like flamingos. If I make anything flamingo I try to send it to them. I was searching for shadow box ideas in Cricut Access the other day and found an adorable shadow box item to craft.

This is a 7 layer item. I had all the cardstock in my collection, especially all the pinks. These are not all that difficult to craft. The machine does all the work. Once all the pieces are cut it is simply placing them together in order.

To make the shadowbox seem 3D you can use foam tape. I just buy it at Dollar Tree and cut it to the size I need. The trick is to not place all the foam tape in the same places on each layer.

The foam tapes has 2 sticky sides. One is placed on the cardstock and then you peel the cover off the other side before layering the pieces.

Before you know it you have a completed piece. Some portions you do need paper craft glue to complete (on this piece it was the beak portions). After I let the layers dry for a few hours I pop it into an 8x8 frame. It will look stunning at one of my Aunt's houses. I believe I will probably be making another so there will be no hard feelings between them.


New Month, New Books


Peach Crisp