Advent Madness
I did my tea Advent calendar this year which has been a tradition for a few years. I also tried a few new to me Advents this year. After watching vlogmass last year I got Advent kit knitting envy so made sure to order myself a little yarn Advent this year.
I have been working away on my Cozy Knitter 24 strip socks. This year her theme was a fade. The socks are turning out so pretty.
I swear the count is right on the stripes but I think I might run out of foot before I run out of yarn. I do have a small foot (I wear a shoe size of 6 1/2 - American). I will do a finished object post next week when they are fully completed.
Watching vlogmass last year I "discovered" paper Advents. Giddy Yarns has at least one in her vlogmass. I loved her version and immediately went on an internet search. I located a company in Boston that must import them and ordered one.
I picked a woodland scene. I have been enjoying this Advent so much this season. I also love that I can dismantle it and do it all over again next year.