Beginning of August

I finished The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka. I really never quite understood the book. It might be a great book for you but not for me.

Kindle Ebook

Persons Unknown by Susie Steiner. This is the second in this series of police procedurals/mystery books. It is well written.

Car Audio

Run by Ann Patchett. This book is enjoyable but really this family it is just one hit after another. Sometimes it is hard to listen too, you just wish something good would happen to them.

Ipod Audio

State of Wonder by Ann Patchett. No further along. I am getting ready for the beginning of a new school year so listening time is limited.

Hardcover Book

The House at Riverton by Kate Morton. The hard cover book listed below was due within a day or two so had to finish it up first.

City of Tranquil Light by Bo Caldwell. This is a book about Mennonite missionaries in China from 1901-1945. It is based on the true story of the author's grandparents. It is not overly preachy, but does discuss religion. A well written story. I read another book by this author quite a few months ago and sought out this book.


Don't Look At Me!


Funny Teacher Shirt