Cardigan Sweater Progress

I have been steadily knitting on the cardigan I started in September. I have completed 37 of the 47 rows needed for the yoke.

I am hoping that any and all mistakes I made will not be super noticeable. You know I made at least one! This pattern I needed the stitch markers between each section of the yoke. The yoke will look stunning once I have completed the sweater and blocked it. It is hard right now to see the yoke pattern. There are too many stitches on the very long needle to stretch them out to get a really good look.

I am playing a little bit of yarn chicken with the skein. All the other skeins are already wound. I thought I might just use 1 skein for the yoke, but it looks like I will need to start on another skein before I reach line 47 in the pattern.


New Pan


Knitting Helper