Chocolate Chip variation

I bought a box of Rice Krispies for a recipe. The recipe I had in mind did not get made right away because I found a new shiny recipe to chase after. I was in the mood to bake some chocolate chip cookies so tried this new recipe.

The addition of rice krispies and coconut to the batter made slightly crunchier cookie but without being overbaked.

The use of a cookie scoop does help control the portion size of cookies. It is the only way I have ever come close to the suggested cookies in a recipe. I never understood how a simple recipe could make 36 cookies. Are they doll-sized? It is the use of a cookie scoop in the correct size. Now, if I could only control the amount of portions that get eaten. You think oh, these are tiny cookies I should have more than one.

Since I was very close to actually getting the correct serving size from the cookie batch I decided to freeze some of the batter to have for emergency cookie baking at a later date.

I just scoop out the dough and flash freeze. After a few hours I remove from freezer and seal into a ziploc to put them back in the freezer. You can then just bake as usual and have fresh baked cookies within 15 minutes.


Birthday Bag


New Purse