Corned Beef

For years I have been preparing my own corned beef for a St. Patrick's Day treat. It is a treat you can prepare anytime you have a beef brisket. It does take time for the corning (just an old fashioned way to preserve meat).

The spices needed are not that unusual and you might already have them in your cupboard.

This is the mixture being heated. The photo is blurry because the liquid was moving. After it has cooled I place it in a 2 gallon size plastic bag with the meat. I then turn the bag with meat every evening for 5 days.

I cook the corned beef in my slow cooker. I don't have any finished pictures because we just ate it up that quick. It is not a hard dish to prepare or cook - it just takes time. it is worth the wait to have a delicious dinner.


New Birthday Card


11th FO Sewing Object - A Sweater Dress