End July/Begin August Knit Update
Charity Knit: I just keep knitting away trying to get the last few inches of stockinette completed before I begin the bind offs for armholes and neckline.
Socks: Well I am still in the making for Crazy Sock Lady Summer Sock Camp but totally missed Knitty Knatty sock week deadline (I must admit having only one week to complete one sock seems a little fast paced for me). We have a completed heel flap.
Crochet: The more I work on this dress the more I like it.
Anthrology Throw: I completed color 9 and am adding in the number 10 mini skein. We are back into lighter colors which I like more than the darks.
Knitmas in July: Well this was not finished in July but I have made progress. I am hoping for an August finish.
Sweater: I reworked the first sleeve and got it to fit. I had to increase the 1x1 ribbing to 2 1/2 inches because I misjudged the length of my own arms. I frogged the first too tight sleeve and began to reknit it using my increases. This sleeve should be better at spacing the increases. The other sleeve I just finished looks a little wonky in places but I refuse to knit 4 sleeves for a sweater. I do not notice it when it is on my body, hopefully that is not just rose colored glasses.
Notice the width difference between the sleeves. No wonder I felt like I would need to be cut out of the first sleeve I knit.