General Knitting Update
I am hoping to make knitting progress on something this weekend. My students generously gifted me a cold for the new year so I am just going to be at home knitting away.
This is the Row and Kades Storm Seeker Tee. I have separated for the sleeves. I am going to knit a few more rows on the body then leave off the body to complete both sleeves. There is a method to the madness. I am on the last hank of this yarn and no way to obtain more (well no way that does not involve selling a body part to pay the inflated price). In addition I actually like knitting the sleeves before I reach the end of the body section. It might be magical thinking but then I never feel like I am on sleeve island, unable to finish the garment.
The 2023 Advent Socks. I am still on the first one. Had a try on the other night and I think they will fit. I am knitting the smallest size and i was worried they would be too small. The pattern is the Heel Toe Do Si Do from the Crazy Sock Lady. I am on the foot of the sock, heel has been turned.
My newest cast on, a helmet liner for the Christmas at Sea program. This is actually my church knitting. It will be infused with not only my prayers for a safe journey for the mariner who receives the gift but all the prayers and love from church members. Extra blessings from a pastor never hurt anybody.