Knitting Advent Update

I have been knitting along on my Cozy Knitter 24 stripe advent socks. Per my usual crafty lack of reading directions and trying new things I have no idea how to do I wound my yarn so I began at the end of the skein instead of at the matching beginning.

Here is up to Day 8 on the socks. The yarn winding error was a user error. There was an assumption that a 24 stripe sock Advent knitter would know how it works. Um, news flash this one did not. I saw the tag on the 2 skeins that stated they were matching ends but really had no idea what that meant. The socks will be beautiful no matter what end they begin on.

In other surprising knitting news - I have been watching along with Arne & Carlos as they knit the Advent stocking this year. I have been busy collecting the 6 rows a day of the pattern. The other weekend I wanted to look up the yarn they were using. This project must be super popular because the colors they use are sold out everywhere I looked. The one place I did find them for a reasonable price was Jimmy Beans Wool. I even had a coupon for free shipping and Jimmy Bucks from a prior order, which basically equaled the cost of one of the balls I needed. It showed they were currently out of stock, but were expecting more. Perfect I thought I will use up the coupons I have (which were set to expire in a few weeks) and the yarn will be sent after Christmas. Well darn that Jimmy Beans for being efficient! My 3 balls showed up yesterday.

Oops, I might have to cast on now.


YOP 24/53


Friday Feline