Late September Reading
Woo Hoo I finished a few books this week. I finally finished listening to Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Pérez. This book put me in a bad mood from all the disheartening statistics and stories included. I also read The Long Call by Ann Cleeves. According to Goodreads I read this book before - well I did not quite remember the majority of the book, though parts did seem familiar to me. It still counts as a reread. I mostly read it because I have plans to read the second book in the series.
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Two Nights in Lisbon by Chris Pavone. I am undecided whether to continue. The writing style is off putting. I fail to understand why authors think we want to read about other people having the greatest sex of their lives on an hourly, daily basis. I did not want to read a porno novel. We shall see if it gets any better with an actual story by the end of disc 1. If not I will be looking for another book to listen to on my commute.
The Magician's Assistant by Ann Patchett. I took this back out of the library and will continue on the reading journey.
The Heron's Call by Ann Cleeves. This is the second book in the series and I have the 3rd book on the holds list at my local library. It is a good book, but I wish the author would find another place to have all the connections tie together other than where the husband of the police detective works. In real life I believe after so many murders all tied to where this man works he might be losing his job. I do like the other series this author has written.