More Pineapple Madness
Another local store had pineapples on sale this week for 97 cents a piece. Friends and family all know about my pineapple obsession. Both my DH and a friend texted me with the information. Off I went yesterday to pick up 3. It worked out great because I needed a few other items from the grocery. They had a special if you bough $25 worth of other items they would sell you a turkey for 78 cents a pound. (okay, I do remember back in the day when it was 29 cents a pound but I digress).
Surprise I got a turkey and it is defrosting in the fridge getting ready to make its official debut on Thursday.
Back to the pineapple madness. I thought you might like to see how the miracle pineapple cutter works.
I used it to cut into the first pineapple. The marks on the side are used to figure out how far to insert and twist the tool. You measure the depth of the pineapple prior to insertion.
You then have to pull out the cut pieces. This is the hardest part of the whole operation. The suction of the pineapple can be quite strong. You have to give up a good tug to get it to move. You see the core that is left inside the shell.
I remove these and freeze them. When I have enough (or need more freezer space). I place the frozen cores in my juice steamer and get pineapple juice to make pineapple jelly.
Then comes the cutting into chunks part of the operation. After this you have fresh pineapple to eat or use in whatever recipe you would like. As a rule of thumb a pineapple will yield 2 pints of pineapple chucks for canning.