My Year in Knitting

Well, going back to in person teaching certainly put a crimp in my knitting time. Last year (2020) according to Ravelry I completed 26 objects! At least something was accomplished during a zoom meeting last year.

This year I only completed 5 knitted objects, though 2 of those were sweaters. I believe in knitting terms that should really count for like 4-5 objects. As near as I can figure I used 4, 371 yards of yarn. I cannot guarantee my math. Remember I teach Kindergarten and we don't really do "big" math.

I know this is a drop in the bucket in relation to my yarn stash but let's not go there friend. You know the best thing about a good friend is they know when to keep their mouth shut and not state the obvious:)

Please visit me at Ravelry where my nom de plume is you guessed it nypeapod.


My Year in Reading


Christmas Pajamas