New Canning Friend

I read a few blog posts from trusted canners about the semi-new Digital Pressure Canner from Presto. It was introduced in 2020 but really has not received much press due to the timing of the launch. It is the only pressure canner USDA approved to actually pressure can food. You might hear about how you can pressure can in an Instant Pot but I would not trust it.

I love my pressure canner and use it monthly, but the thought of maybe having something quieter was interesting. It also heats up the house every time it is used. This is not a problem in winter, but at the height of canning season in Summer a hot kitchen/house is not what you are really looking for in a kitchen friend.

My DH encouraged me to take the plunge and buy one. It arrived the other day and this weekend I decided to take it for a test run.

It is large, but then so is my Mirro 22 quart pressure canner. I read through the instruction book and decided to try a few jars of water as my first test run. It worked like a charm and was very easy to use.

The three pint jars of water I canned all sealed. I think we are going to be BFFs.


A Swimming Skort


We Have A Sleeve