Pulled Pork

When I order half of a pig I get a lot of pork shoulder roasts. One of the favorite ways to use them up and get them out of the freezer (they take up a lot of space) is making pulled pork. Over the years I have tried quite a few different recipes. About a year ago I chanced upon a keeper for the recipe file.

Food companies spend quite a bit of money hiring food economists and dieticians to create recipes using the products of said companies. I have never had one of these recipes fail me. The recipe I use is from Pillsbury and uses simple ingredients. I even use my own chicken stock when making this recipe. I have made it over half a dozen times and it always turns out delicious.

Browning the meat in the Instant Pot

I am baking some simple rolls, made a batch of coleslaw and will make some french fries for a complete meal.


Star Wars sewing


Sleep of the "Innocents"