Special Cookies

I am originally from Upstate New York. There were some special Upstate New York dishes and deserts I enjoyed growing up in the area. Occasionally my mother would stop after work at a bakery and surprise us with Half-Moon cookies.

These are a chocolate cake like cookie covered with frosting. Some people confuse them with black and white cookies which I understand you can buy in New York City. As if, Half-Moon cookies have a better texture and taste. I made a batch of them a few years ago and decided I wanted to try again.

The directions request that you draw a circle on parchment paper to outline the shape of the cookie.

I forgot how much they grow in the oven.

The frosting making and skills need a little more work, but I can attest they are delicious.


Barbie Earrings


The Hudson Bag - Part 3 (top and a finish)