2024 in Reading & Books

This year I read more on my Kindle than I think I ever have in the past. There are at least 2 reasons for this; the kindle challenges which encourage me to read everyday on my Kindle (silly I know to '“earn” badges but I do find it motivating) and the ease of using the Libby app.

I am not sure if I cracked the Libby app code or my library system just invested more in purchasing rights on the system. I tend to read on my Kindle while walking on the treadmill at the gym. Since I try to get to the gym at least 2 or 3 times a week this leads to almost 2 hours of Kindle reading time per week. It also seems like more of the books I would like to read are now available through Libby than in years past.

I read books in three different ways: Kindle, actual physical books and audiobooks I listen to while driving. I consider all of those legitimate reading (at one time and maybe still some readers do not consider audiobooks reading, but I do not agree).

Anyhoo. hHere are my final stats according to Goodreads. I am a generous reviewer of stars. If someone spends time, effort and money to publish a book I should be kind. Sometimes a book is just not for me and that is fine, but I should not downgrade it due to the fact that it was a genre I did not enjoy. My average star rating was a 4.4. The average length of book I read was 350 pages. The shortest book I read was 110 pages and the longest was 1,012 pages


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