Week 13 of YOP 14
I am slowing working on my new website. Learning new things is hard - thank goodness for Google. Since we have a new month I will outline what I did manage to accomplish in September.
Knitting Plans/Goals
September goals: finish Jeffrey Pine Cardigan (actually completed on 8/31), finish Spooky Roller socks, add 3 mini skeins (#13, 14 & 15) from the Christmas in July Advent project of the Anthology Throw, finish the orange Seafarer's vest which is a charity knit, knit 2 hats for charity and finish the Knitmas in July shawl. I also want to cast on a few new projects. I plan on at least 1 new cast on for the month.
Update: Wow! I actually accomplished all my knitting goals for the month. I did not cast on a new project, but I have about a thousand ideas about what to cast on next.
Sewing Plans/Goals
September goal: I would like to sew with some of my collection of Double Brushed Poly (DBP). I want to make 4 dresses.
Update: I managed to sew three new dresses out of DBP. I also snuck in some home sewing and a few other misc sewing projects occurred during the month.
Embroidery/Cross Stitch Plans/Goals
September goal: work at least 1 hour a week on the project.
Update: I did complete my monthly challenge. I am posting pictures. I am sorry they are so large. I am still learning all the in and outs of this new website and resizing photos appears to be very difficult on this platform.
Week 1 of the month
Week 2 of the month
Week 3
Week 4
Crochet Plans/Goals
September goals: Finish the Taylor Swift inspired crochet dress. Cast on a new crochet project , not selected yet, but I have ideas.
Update: I finished the dress (now if it would only cool down temp wise so I could wear it) and I love it. I also did begin a new crochet sweater/poncho project.
Cricut Plans/Goals
September goal: complete 4 projects with a Halloween theme
Update: I managed to make just 2 Halloween cards. Nothing else has happened with the Cricut due to time constraints (see below rant)
Misc Goals/Plans
I thought August back to school kicked my butt but then September arrived and it seemed to get even worse. I am now only making it to the workout gym in a good week twice, but many weeks it has only been once. For some reason this school year is harder to get under control as far as the workload. it probably does not help that I do not have the easiest class. I spend so much of my time on behavior both while teaching and during my school day with meetings, charts and conferences I have little time during my actual work day to complete assigned tasks. This means those tasks (lesson plan writing, gathering materials, etc) have to be accomplished off duty time either staying late at work or working at home during what should be my free time. For example, this week I had meetings 4 days out of the 5 I worked. I lost at least 2 entire preparation periods to meetings in which frankly more work was assigned to me to deal with student issues. The other 3 preparation periods of the week were cut short because I had to deal with the aftermath of student misbehavior.