Wednesday WIPs

Anthology Throw: Okay, it seems like I am using yarn faster now because it is over 1100 stitches, but each round takes FOREVER. Busy adding in mini skein #21.

Socks: The yarn did not color as expected. I thought it might strip but no….it is more of a color block thing.

Charity Knitting: I finished the hat and even delivered it to my local library. The library has been running a month long Crafting For A Cause program. There has been yarn available to pick up to complete your project. I did not need anymore yarn than what i already have thank you very much.

Crochet purse: I have begun to crochet the first round all around the bottom of the bag.

Birthday Cake Pop Sweater: This is becoming a bit of a frustrating knit. I have separated and completed the rows after the sleeves, now I am trying to get the pattern correct for the front and back. I understand why pattern designers write the directions with lots of do this pattern repeat 3 times or 5 times and then list a series of 30 stitches that must be completed, k2tog, ssk, yo k1 in various orders and combos. It is just confusing because they have all the sizes listed in the same section. I will have to rewrite the pattern with just my size for the 13 rows of the pattern I need to work. It probably does not help that every time I am trying to knit this section and am busy concentrating on getting the stitch counts correct someone in my family decides that would be the perfect time to began a conversation with me. I fear there may be some frogging that will have to occur.

All that to say that pretty much no progress has been completed on this sweater over the past week.


11/28 Thursday Read Alongs


Tiny Needle Tuesday