11/28 Thursday Read Alongs
I finished the kindle book, Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies by Catherine Mack. It got better as the book progressed but I will not be reading the sequel (which the author mentioned numerous times in the last chapter). I did not enjoy the writing style or the characters.
Very Bad Company by Emma Rosenblum. I have only read a few pages in this book. A little nervous it has mostly 3 star reviews on Goodreads. It is a workplace novel which rarely holds my interest. We shall see if I stick with it or return it to get a better read.
Audio Book
Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient Roman World by Mary Beard. I am over 60% into the listen and each chapter just uncovers more interesting facts and turns what “we think we know” about Rome upside down.
The Pocket: A Hidden History of Women’s Lives 1660-1900 by Barbara Burman and Ariana Fennetaux. A pocket is not just a pocket as reading this book explains. A great example of viewing history through what many dismiss as an everyday object.