Beginning May Reads

At least a few books were finished this week, Where Waters Meet by Zhang Ling. I thought it a very well written book for the author's first book written completely in English. The story was interesting. I am glad I selected it for my Kindle on World Reading Day. This book has too much trying to happen all in one book, A Murder of Crows by Sarah Yarwood-Lovett. It is the first in the series and I have no interest in continuing to read. Spare by Prince Harry is a sad book in many respects. He certainly feels ill used by his family and the press.

Hardcover Book

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. Written by a 17 year old female narrator in the 1930s. It is just a nice book, nothing too exciting happens. The writer writes dialogue very well and has great descriptive powers. It is a book that sneaks up on you and suddenly you find yourself quite enjoying the read.

Audio Book

The Woman in Me by Britney Spears. I guess I am on a celebrity autobiography kick currently. Listening to this book everything that has occurred in her life is starting to make quite a bit of sense based on her childhood.

Kindle Book

Jane Austen at Home: A Biography by Lucy Worsley. The book continues to be interesting. it is also a book you can pick up and put down for a while. When you return you don't seem to have lost the threads of the story - each chapter is semi-contained.

The Returned by Jason Mott. A very interesting concept. All over the world people's loved ones are returning from beyond (but not as zombies). The story focuses on a couple who 8 year old son returns after his drowning death a long time ago.


Spring in the Desert - Plants


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