Freezing Cookies

Often when I make cookies I find that we just seem to have a craving for the cookies at the moment. It is hard for the family to eat the whole batch before the cookies get to their use by date. For a few years I will make a batch of cookie dough and then freeze half of the dough to make cookies later.

A few weeks ago I made banana chocolate chip cookies. I baked about half of them to eat. The remainder I rolled into balls and flash froze. Once they had frozen I put them in a vacuum sealer bag.

In the picture they are next to a bag of mini marshmallows I also sealed. I'm tired of throwing out marshmallows because I only need a few for a recipe and then the rest get hard before I can find another use for them. Sealing the remainder of the bag keeps them fresh much longer.

Now when we get a hankering for a fresh cookie I can just take the bag out of the freezer and pop them in the oven for fresh basked cookies.


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