Last Full Week in April Reading

I did not finish any books this week. I began a few and returned them to the library. They were just not my cup of tea.

Hardcover Book

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. Written by a 17 year old female narrator in the 1930s. It is just a nice book, nothing too exciting happens. The writer writes dialogue very well and has great descriptive powers. It is a book that sneaks up on you and suddenly you find yourself quite enjoying the read.

Audio Book

Spare by Prince Harry. I keep plugging away at this book. It does have its interesting parts. Wouldn't you know this book is starting to grow on me. I still think it could have used a good editor.

Kindle Book

Jane Austen at Home: A Biography by Lucy Worsley. The book continues to be interesting. it is also a book you can pick up and put down for a while. When you return you don't seem to have lost the threads of the story - each chapter is semi-contained.

Open City by Teju Cole. This is a very calm and comforting read. Basically the narrator takes very long walks around New York City. The sights and people he encounters bring back memories for him. I feel it is a very well written book.


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