Last of the August Yarn Updates

Charity Knit: The right front shoulder is complete and the left front shoulder has been begun.

Socks: Finished one of the pair. It looks like I might not have quite enough for second sock. Good thing I have sock yarn leftovers from other projects.

Knitmas in July: This is taking much longer than I think it should to knit a simple shawl.

Crochet: The dress was not ignored this week. I have finished the body of the dress. I need to seam the sides and try on to see if I want to add longer sleeves.

Anthology Throw: Mini skein #12 has been added!

Jeffrey Cardigan: I swear this sleeve is taking longer than the entire sweater. I am working on it just no picture.


Week 8 of YOP 14


I've Seen the World From Both Sides Now