Latest endeavour

A year or more ago I read a blog post from Jennifer Maker on how to transfer pictures onto wood. It caught my fancy. I printed out the 2 pictures she had provided for the project and bought a piece of wood.

Never let it be said I jump into things because I have finally committed to trying this project. Over a year after seeing the original post! Of course I did have to purchase some mod podge. You would think with all my crafting nonsense I would own every kind of mod podge known to man, but you would be wrong. I had to pick up the dishwasher safe kind.

All ready to start

I followed the directions and this is what I now have.

It is going to get better (how it can not improve based on this photo). I have to wait 24 hours before I try to get the paper released from the wood. I will keep you posted.


Using Up Stuff


Knitting progress