Needle Disaster

There I am just knitting away on the second sleeve of the sweater for my sister when disaster struck. I have been knitting for many years and have heard from other knitters about needles that break, but never experienced such an event. Well I can now check that off my bucket list. I had just picked up the sleeve to continue on my merry knitting way when snap the cord broke off from the needle tip.

Of course I had live stiches on the needle. Only one stitch tried to drop off, but I wrangled it back onto safety. This is I have no idea how old size 11 circular needle. It is a total plastic construction. A new Chaigoo needle is winging its way to me as I write. Hopefully that will get me back on track.

Here is what I have completed so far. I only have about 3-4 inches more to knit on the sleeve. I will then attached both sleeves and continue knitting on the body.


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All Work and No Play