New Dishwasher

After about 14 years of great service our dishwasher is finally not repairable. We have lived in our current home over 20 years and we have had 2 dishwashers. The first dishwasher was the original one installed. It was the loudest dishwasher I had ever heard. When our DD was a newborn it was fantastic. It was so loud the noise seemed to soothe her. She also loved when I vacuumed. When she was a baby my carpets were always vacuumed sometimes more than once a day. When she was still a toddler the original dishwasher began to leak.

We replaced it with a very quiet Bosch. Fast forward about 14 years and a few home repairs later and it is finally not something we can no longer repair. We purchased a new dishwasher online and it is supposed to be delivered and installed this weekend.

Meanwhile for the past week and a half I have been doing dishes by hand. It takes me back to my teenage years. It certainly is less work to wash dishes for a family of 3 than a family of 5. My hands have been super clean due to all the dishwashing. There is something so relaxing about standing at the sink just washing dishes. I will be happy to get the new dishwasher installed but I still might occasionally do some dishes by hand.


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Reading In The First Week of April