New Trash Cans
Try to remember back to when you were in school. You might have been a student who enjoyed leaving your seat repeatedly throughout the day. This behavior does not endear you to your teacher. Just in case you hadn't guessed.
One way I try to have my students remain in their area at least more often than they wander is with small trashcans placed on tables throughout the room. I call these tidy tubs. Students are taught that all trash (except food waste) must be placed into the tidy tub at their table. Once or twice a day I select a table captain to empty the tidy tub into the large trashcans inside my classroom.
I have used this system for quite a few years and it actually works quite well. Last year I made the mistake of buying white trash baskets. They looked very unattractive due to scribbles, etc. by the end of the year. This year I was able to find plain black cans at my local dollar store.
I added permanent vinyl to each side and I think they turned out quite nice.