New Yarn Toys

I have developed quite a collection of hand-dyed yarns. These yarn comes in lovely hanks and must be wound into balls or cakes prior to being knit. I have certainly done my fair share of winding yarn by hand. This year I requested a yarn swifter to appear under the Christmas tree.

Stash vs. Collection

The common term used to describe the yarn (or fabric) you own is to call it your stash. I much prefer to call the fabric and yarn I own my collection. They are collections, I carefully purchase each item. I buy the yarn because I love the work of the dyer, the fiber content, the color or the feel of the yarn. Collection also just sounds classier to me than stash.

My new yarn swifter

Here is the Amish style collapsible yarn swifter I found under the tree. It is a thing of beauty! It spins so nicely and there is nothing to snag my yarn.

all loaded and ready for action

I also purchased a ball winder to cake the yarn. When not in use the swifter is easily collapsible. My only issue is that now I want to wind all the yarn!

all wound and ready to knit

Ta-da - the first skein I wound! Now it will sit in the collection until it tells me what I need to knit. It also has to wait because I am knitting a shawl/cowl piece currently.


Making Your Own Spice Mixes


My Year in Canning