Pear Sauce

The other day I made applesauce at school with my littles. I cut up the apples at home and took my slow cooker to school. The classroom smelled delicious. I make applesauce each year with students. About 5% of the kiddos actually end up liking the applesauce. I don't put in added sugar and most are used to commercial applesauce. The batch we make is not sweet enough for their tastes. At least they understand the process of actually how you make applesauce. The ladies that work in the front office are always happy to take the extra applesauce off my hands.

It reminded me I had a few Bartlett pears at home that needed to be used up before they completely turned.

We had a Bartlett pear tree on the farm where I grew up so I ate pears as a child. I am the only one in my family that likes and eats pears. This was all I had left from the box I had purchased.

I peeled them and cut into slices. I used my medium sized slow cooker.

I sprinkled about 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and added a scant 1/2 cup of water. Put the lid on and set the temperature to low. After about 3 hours I used my immersion blender to whip them into a smooth sauce.

This is perfect with a little bit of yogurt or oatmeal in the morning. You could also sub it in any muffin or quick bread recipe that calls for applesauce. I tend just to eat a little bowl of it as a snack. It is also great if you are serving pork chops for dinner. A delicious way to not waste fruit.


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