When Sewing Hands you Lemons

I was trying to make a dress with a new pattern. Well, the front and back pieces needed to be cut on two fold lines. I totally missed this in all the directions and cut them as I normally would cut a bodice. It was only when I was working on the bodice that something did not seem right.

It was operator error, but also this has to be the first pattern I have ever encountered where you place a pattern piece so it is cut on 2 fold lines. I have been sewing for more than a week and have never experienced this before. After doing some more research it seems like this might be a technique unique to this pattern company. I buy PDF patterns from about 10 different companies and have never seen it before this one.

Anywoo, the bodice was ruined and I did not have anymore fabric to recut the piece. Sometimes when a cutting error is made I can piece together a solution, but there was no other solution but to totally cut a new piece for this disaster.

I decided since I had got handed some lemons I would try to salvage at least some the of the material. I had the skirt portion (with pockets) of the dress cut (and cut correctly). I sewed up the skirt pieces and added an elastic waistband.

The fabric is a rayon spandex I believe I purchased over a year ago from Olga's Closet. It is very soft and has excellent drape.

I then used the fabric I had cut for the bodice to make a pair of Ellie & Mac Feeling Frisky panties. I had just enough, with very tiny scraps left over.

For the waistband I used fold over elastic I purchased from Faux Leather for You. They fit perfectly and are very soft.

I mean doesn't everyone make matching underwear for all their sewing makes LOL! I am actually quite happy with the skirt and it has already been worn twice. I'm sure the material would have made a nice dress but it also made a terrific skirt.


Pear Sauce


YOP Week 12/53