Pumpkin Oreo Truffle Balls

I ended up with a 2/3 full package of Oreo cookies the other day. We like an Oreo cookie at my house, but they are not eaten very quickly. Oreo ball recipes seem to always be available on the internet.

I had to search for a good recipe that did not use cream cheese. I greatly dislike cream cheese and refuse to use it in any recipes. At first all I found were recipes with the dreaded ingredient listed. I thought I can not be other only person with a personal vendetta against cream cheese in the world. I finally found a good recipe that did not even use condensed milk. The other ingredient that seems to pop up frequently. This one just contains butter and milk.

The first step is to turn the cookies into crumbs. I then added the melted butter and a splash of milk.

The crumbs were rolled into small balls and placed into the freezer. Like many candy/cookie recipes time in the freezer is the best for helping the ingredients to gel. After about an hour I retrieved them from the freezer and placed them into melted white chocolate. I also added red and yellow food coloring to the melted chocolate to try to get a Halloween/pumpkin vibe going. After being dunked into chocolate I placed them back into the freezer to set.

They are very rich and delicious. I tried to get a little fancy with the photograph making the serving dish match the doily. The chocolate work is not some of my best, but honestly everyone I have served them to does not even look at the outside. They just want to eat the sweet treat.


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Spooky Halloween Dress