Week 3 August Yarn Update

Charity Knit: Woo Hoo we reached 18 inches from cast on and have begun the left shoulder.

Socks: I had a dr appointment with a lot of waiting room time. I now have 45 of 55 needed rounds for the first sock.

Knitmas in July: Joined another 20 gram mini skein. Currently at 108 stitches on the needle.

Crochet: Well something had to go in the crafting department and this dress was the one ignored this week. I hope to get some more rows completed this weekend. So no photo of the lack of progress from last week.

Anthology Throw: Mini skein #12 has been added! That is about all I just added and knit one round so far. You can just barely see it in the photo.

Jeffrey Cardigan: Still on sleeve island but look at the progress from last week. I marked where I started with a stitch marker. At least I feel like I accomplished a little bit more.


Week 7 of YOP


School Helper Kitty