Winter Tea Tradition

Well I am not sure how many times you have to do something before it is a tradition. Last year I discovered Stroop Waffles from Holland. These delightful items are perfect in the cooler nights with a cup of tea. You place the waffle cookie on top of your tea cup (this does not work if your mug is larger than normal). The steam and heat from the tea warms the waffle cookie with a caramel filling. It softens the cookie and caramel.

This is a delightful combination. What will those crazy Dutch think of next:) I have only found these cookies at Costco and only near holiday time. I realize it is not really holiday time but for gosh sakes some stores have had Christmas out since August! Luckily the Costco size quantity means we can enjoy this treat all winter. It is a small pleasure, which many times are the best.


Halloween shirt


Knitting Update