Happy Birthday Peace Corps
Today is the 60th birthday of the founding of Peace Corps. The Peace Corps is an independent agency and program of the United States government that trains and deploys volunteers to local communities in partner countries around the world. Peace Corps Volunteers put their purpose, passion, and skills to work in partnership with host communities in more than 60 countries.
I am a proud Returned Peace Crops Volunteer. I served in Honduras from 1988-1990. It is the greatest job you will ever love. I lived in a small mountain village without electricity and sometimes running water. I volunteered and worked with farmers to help increase their farm yields. I was very young when I joined as evidenced by the picture below.
It was a wonderful experience that I would gladly repeat. It lead me to a lifetime of service to others. I continue to use the skills and strengthens I learned in Peace Corps in my daily life. Hopefully the program will continue for many more years. The work volunteers do impact so many in the world and here in the United States.