Week 34 of YOP 14
The end of the month means a look back at the past month goals and time to set new goals.
Knitting Plans/Goals
February Stats: I had 2 pairs of socks (Advent strip and Rhinebeck Roomies) to complete and getting my Birthday sweater to the sleeve division. 85% completion. I finished 1 pair of socks and the other pair is 3/4 complete. Got the sweater to the sleeve division.
March Goals: Complete the Rhinebeck Roomies sock. Cast on another pair of socks (of course!). Complete both sleeves on the Birthday sweater. I also want to finish the charity knit I am currently working on - a pair of striped seafarer socks.
Sewing Plans/Goals
February Stats: My original goal was to sew a new handbag, this was accomplished. Every time I take this purse out someone compliments me on the bag and tells me how much they loved the mouse book when they were a child. I am almost done with the original purse I wanted to sew. I also sewed a few other items not on any goal list, but sewing successes.
March Goals: Finish another handbag. My written goal (I made a list of my monthly sewing goals way back in June) for March was to make a few tops. I think this might occur, but there is no guarantee some other sewn goodies might get created.
Embroidery/Cross Stitch Plans/Goals
February Stats: I worked my hour each week. I posted on Tuesday showing my monthly progress.
March Goal: If it is not broken don’t fix it. I will continue with an hour a week.
Crochet Plans/Goals
February Stats: I wanted to finish the outside body of the bag by the end of the month. This did not happen mostly because the purse had a visit to the frog pond.
March Goal: We will try again to complete the outside body of the purse this month.
Cricut Plans/Goals
February Stats: The machine was not even pulled out this month.
March Goals: Maybe just try to make one thing with the machine this month.