Canning Cherries

I found a great deal at a local market for sweet cherries. I bought 3 pounds. The first pound I used to make Cherry Blueberry jam. I found it in my favorite jam making book. It is a lovely color.

I tried a little taste and it's a winner!

I was thinking about using the rest to make either a cherry jam or jelly but them came across a pickling recipe for cherries. I love to pickle all kinds of things so pickled cherries were made. I will not open these for at least a month. Pickling takes a little bit longer for the flavors to meld. I tried the pickled brussel sprouts from earlier this year. I first tried them after a week and I thought them just okay. Last week I opened another jar to use in a potato salad and I really like them much better after letting them sit for about a month.

These also look beautiful in the jar.


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