Making Your Own Medicines

Well not every kind of medicine but I have found a few keeper recipes for common aliments over the years. It has been so windy where I live everyone has been sniffling and coughing up a storm.

This means I get out my Neti Pot to clean out the ickies in my nose and make my own cough syrup. I found this recipe a few years ago. I have been making little batches ever since. Nothing in it will actually hurt you and I always have all the ingredients right in my kitchen.

It does work to soothe your throat and calm the coughs. In my opinion, it works just as well as the cough syrups they sell in the store which have lots of unpronounceable ingredients. I especially liked it when DD was much younger. There was no way she could have too much and no waiting and counting the hours until the next dose. I read up on children's cough syrup at the time and found most of it was absolutely useless.


No idea why the hell I knit


My Reading Week