Peep Earrings

Peeps are either loved or hated by people. I fall in the love category as long as they are the original flavors. Over the years they have started adding some very strange flavors to the Peep family. I just want the original yellow or pink Peeps.

Peeps for non-Americans are a marshmallow sugar treat that were traditionally provided during Easter in either the shape of a bunny or a chick. Anyway I used double sided faux leather to make a pair of earrings.

I would use the old sayin' business in the front, party in the back, but these are all party - front and back. The one side of the faux leather is a chunky glitter. I teach kindergarten - it is required that I love glitter. My students absolutely adored these earrings. Quite a few adults also positively commented on them when I wore them. This was a fun project to make and wear.


April Reading News


Ground Pork