What's For Dinner?

For St. Patrick's Day I made corned beef and cabbage. Quite a few years ago I discovered a healthy recipe for corning or brining your own beef brisket. It mainly takes time and a good piece of beef. In the order for 1/4 of a steer that I place every 4 months I always receive a lovely beef brisket. I use the brisket and make the corning liquid. I then just have to remember to turn the meat in the fridge at least once a day for the next 4 days.

heating the brining liquid

I then rinse the beef and place it in a large crock pot.

the brisket in the brining liquid

I add in some carrots and potatoes and a can of beef. Set the temperature to low and let it cook all day. About 30 minutes before serving I put in cut up cabbage to soften. It is a delicious and healthy addition to your St. Patrick's Day dinner.


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