YOP14 Week 3 - end of month roundup

Well I think I pretty much stuck to my monthly goals and was only distracted by shiny new things a few times:)

Knitting Plans/Goals

July goals: finish Jeffrey Pine Cardigan, finish 2 pairs of socks (one pair is already on the needles and half completed), complete at least half of my Christmas in July Advent project of the Anthology Throw, maybe finish the orange Seafarer's vest which is a charity knit.

Update: I began a new pair of socks, surprise, surprise another pair of Rose City Rollers. They are not completed but I get partial credit for casting them on in the month. I am almost at the halfway mark of the charity knit. 15 inches of stockinette in the round takes a LONG time. I made it to color 10 on the Throw, so again I am gifting myself partial credit. I knit the second sleeve on the Jeffrey Pine Cardigan correctly, now to frog the first sleeve disaster and reknit using my notes. Score: 6/10

Sewing Plans/Goals

July goal: I would like to sew using the few Big 4 patterns I know and have used in the past. Big 4 patterns are those manufactured by Butterrick, Simplicity, etc. I have not bought a Big 4 pattern in years. The directions are usually terrible, designs uninspiring and the general sloper used for those patterns does not fit my body. I also want to use up some cotton wovens I have and also begin to work down my sweatshirt fleece fabric stash.

Update: I knocked this one out of the park. Returned and tried the few Big 4 patterns I still have in my stash (at this point they are all vintage). The patterns I am keeping include McCalls pj pants and Butterick patterns in the stash. I am still undecided about the shirt dress I made using a Simplicity pattern (blog post to come on Monday). I made extra items also using a large cut of sweatshirt fleece. Score: 10/10

Canning Plans/Goals

July goal: review/rearrange canned goods cupboard to see what I have, what I need and what is no longer good. Completed 7/5/24 Score: 10/10

Embroidery/Cross Stitch Plans/Goals

July goal: work at least 3 hours over the month on a project.

Update: I completed this goal also - I do see progress when I look at the stitching pictures but this is going to be a very long term goal. Score: 10/10

1st hour of the month

2nd hour of the month

3rd hour of the month

Crochet Plans/Goals

July goals: finish Peek A Boo Cardigan (7/6/24), begin Taylor Swift inspired crochet dress

Update: I completed the cardigan and began the dress. Score: 10/10

Cricut Plans/Goals

July goal: complete at least 3 projects from the Amy Romeu Summer craft event I am attending virtually

Update: This goal was achieved, just not all my projects have been posted yet. Score: 10/10

Misc Goals/Plans

July goals: complete July expense report, workout 5 times a week, write 4 letters/cards to send to friends

Update: The cards I completed this week included small notes I am sending to each of my students from my class last year - offering encouragement as they begin their 1st grade journey. The expense report is a habit I have built. I think this might be the last week of 5 a week workouts. Score: 10/10


New Shirt Dress


End of July Yarn Update